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10 Places to Visit in Addition to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights - Insurance Tips

Article by Laura McKay, on behalf of Heritage Winnipeg Corp.
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With the recent opening of the Canadian Museum of Human Rights, we thought we would do a post about the Winnipeg heritage and museum experience. The CMHR represents an awesome opportunity to attract tourists and international attention to the city of Winnipeg, as well as its vibrant heritage community.
Coming for a visit or know someone who is? 
Want to get to know your city a little better?
Here are some other places you can visit to augment your Winnipeg experience!

 As always, please be sure to do your own research to ensure that the information posted here is still accurate at the time of your visit. We recommend doing this by checking the website or otherwise contacting the organization.

1. Upper Fort Garry Provincial Park


130 Main Street 
(The parcel of land between Main Street and Fort Street/Broadway and Assiniboine Avenue)

The remnants of the site where Manitoba was born, now being opened as a public park. Upper Fort Garry was the home of the Louis Riel provisional government, as well as an important fort to the fur trade. Guilty as charged, I'm a little biased on this one, but be sure to check out the grand opening later this fall!  

Hours: Will open to the public Fall 2014
Admission: None, open for public use
Source/Website: http://www.upperfortgarry.com/

2. Fire Fighters Museum of Winnipeg  

 56 Maple Street
This museum gives an extensive history of fire fighting in Winnipeg, honouring fire fighters both past and present. Vintage equipment, photos, and artefacts, explore the history of fighting fires in Winnipeg, from 1882 to the present. I haven't had a chance to visit and blog about this one yet, but it's definitely on my list! 

Sundays 9am-3pm 
(call 204-942-4817 to double check before your visit!)
Adults $3
Youth $2
Children 6-12 $1.50
Children Under 5 Free

3. Ivan Franko Museum at the Ukrainian Labour Temple


591 Pritchard Avenue at MacGregor Street

Dedicated to Ukrainian artist and patriot, Ivan Franko, this museum is the only one of its kind outside of the Ukraine. It is housed on the ground floor of Ivan Franko Manor, a senior's residence that makes up a portion of the provincially designated Ukrainian Labour Temple complex. The museum displays feature the life story of artist, translator, and social activist, Ivan Franko, as well as folk art and artefacts from the Western Ukraine.

Tours arranged by calling 204-589-4397
Free of Charge

4. Living Prairie Museum 


2795 Ness Avenue

A 13 hectare tall grass prairie preserve featuring more than 150 different grass and wildflower species, as well as a variety of wildlife in their natural habitat. Raising awareness and conservation of natural ares, especially tall grass prairie, the Living Prairie Museum is focused on environmental education. An interpretive centre is open select hours on site, housing a gallery, office/administrative space for staff, bookstore/gift shop, and an observation deck with an amazing view of the preserve.

Self-guided tours from dawn until dusk 

Interpretive Centre Hours: 
July & August 
10am-5pm every day

May & June, September & October 
10am-5pm Sundays
Free - Donations Welcome

5. La Maison Gabrielle-Roy/Gabrielle Roy House 


375 rue Deschambault

The childhood home of celebrated author Gabrielle-Roy, this museum is dedicated to her life and works. As well as preserving the memory of one of Canada's greatest writers, the museum's mission includes a commitment to its community's culture and identity, playing an active role in the cultural life of Manitoba, and in particular, the French-speaking community.

September to May
 1pm-4pm, Wednesday through Sunday

June to August
10am-5pm, Monday through Friday
1pm-5pm, Saturday and Sunday
Adults $5
Students, Seniors, Children, and Groups of 10 or more $3 each

6. Bishop Velychkovsky Martyr's Shrine 


250 Jefferson Avenue

Canada's Second Martyr's Shrine: This chapel and museum are dedicated to the life and work of Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl Velychkovsky, C.Ss.R. His holy relics are enshrined at St. Joseph's Ukrainian Catholic Church and are a source of grace and blessing for many people.

Monday, Closed 
Tuesday-Friday, 10am-5pm
Saturday, 10am-1pm
Sunday, After Divine Liturgies
Call 204-338-7321 or info@bvmartyrshrine.com. to book a guided tour

7. Winnipeg Railway Museum


Located on Tracks 1 & 2 at the Via Rail Station (123 Main Street)

The only museum in Winnipeg dedicated to the preservation of Manitoba's rail heritage. View displays on everything from Women in Railroading and the histories of the CPR, CNR, and Via Rail to the Countess of Dufferin, the very first steam locomotive on the Canadian Prairies. Also the home of Heritage Winnipeg's Streetcar 356, although it is not yet ready for display. Stay tuned for a blog post later in the year about this hidden treasure!

June, July, & August
10am to 5pm (7 days a week)

May, September, & October
9am-4pm (Monday, Thursday, Saturday)
11am-4pm (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)

March, April, November, December
9am-Noon (Monday & Thursday)
11am-4pm (Saturday & Sunday)

January & February
9am-Noon (Monday & Thursday) 
11am-3pm (Saturday & Sunday) 
Adults $5
Children 6-12 $3
Children 5 & Under Free 
(when accompanied by an adult)

8. Pavilion Gallery Museum 

55 Pavilion Crescent

A museum dedicated to art, the Pavilion Gallery Museum displays works by three celebrated Manitoba artists - Clarence Tillenius, Ivan Eyre, and Walter J. Phillips, as well as a permanent collection of Winnie the Pooh art, artifacts, and memorabilia. Explore the Leo Mol Sculpture Garden nearby too!

10am-5pm, Wednesdays til 9pm
9am-5pm, Wednesdays til 9pm 


9. Transcona Historical Museum

141 Regent Avenue West

The Transcona Historical Museum has an extensive collection of artifacts, photographs and documentary records that together tell the story of the Transcona's community history. These collections include everything from railway artifacts, items from early Transcona businesses, historic clothing and household objects, to special natural and cultural history collections that include over 8000 moths and butterflies from around the world, 1000 Manitoba bird eggs and 3500 archaeological/First Nations artifacts from throughout Manitoba.

 June to August
 Monday, Tuesday and Saturday: 9:00am-4:00pm 
 Wednesday - Friday: 9:00am-7:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am-1:00pm

September to May
Tuesday: 9:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday - Friday: 9:00am-7:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 8:00am - 1:00pm
Monday: by appointment only

Free, Donations Welcome
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransconaMuseum

10. St. Vital Museum

600 St. Mary's Road

Throughout its history, the St. Vital Museum has also served as the home of both the St.Vital Police and Fire Department, opening in 1914, when fire trucks were still pulled by horses. Special exhibits in the museum reflect this history, including archives that date back to the early 1800's, the original 1939 Fargo Pumper truck used by the St. Vital Fire Brigade, and a copy of the handwritten diary by Victor Mager who was at Fort Garry in 1870 when Thomas Scott was executed under Louis Riel's provisional government.

Admission: Free
Source/Website: http://www.svhs.ca/

Sources & Links

Canadian Museum for Human Rights Website
City of Winnipeg Museums Board Website
Tourism Winnipeg on the CMHR 

Can you think of any good places that we missed?
Let us know in the comments.

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