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The Heritage Ball Fundraising Dinner: Honouring Bill & Shirley Loewen - Insurance Tips

Article by Laura McKay, on behalf of Heritage Winnipeg Corp.
To follow up on this or any other articles on the blog, contact Heritage Winnipeg's Executive Director.

Heritage Ball Fundraising Dinner Invitation
Please consider this your personal invitation!
The Heritage Ball Fundraising Dinner honouring and celebrating the contributions of 
Bill and Shirley Loewen to the heritage community will be held 
Saturday, October 4, 2014 at the Fort Garry Hotel.

All proceeds from this event will go to support the work of Heritage Winnipeg. Our mission is to promote and encourage the conservation of historic/heritage structures and sites and attend to those matters which enhance and complement this purpose. Emphasis will be on restoration, revitalization, preservation, education and advocacy, in order to augment the cultural inheritance of the community, with consideration for pertinent logistics and feasibility. Heritage Winnipeg is responsible for numerous events and programs, including the city-wide Doors Open Winnipeg and the Annual Preservation Awards. Fundraising events such as this dinner help Heritage Winnipeg to continue these valuable contributions to the community and city of Winnipeg.

Bill & Shirley Loewen: A Lifetime of Support


Bill & Shirley Loewen: Philanthropists, Advocates, Volunteers, and Community Leaders
Philanthropists, Advocates, Volunteers and Community Leaders

Over the decades, Bill and Shirley Loewen have worked tirelessly to advocate, educate, and provide financial support for the rehabilitation of our built heritage. This includes their immense contributions and support to the Millennium Centre (former Bank of Commerce) at 389 Main Street, the Telpay building (former Canada Permanent Building/COMCHEQ) at 298 Garry Street, and for their ongoing contributions to the St. Norbert community for over 30 years, including the St. Norbert Arts and Cultural Centre (SNAC). Moreover, their support has provided the building blocks for many non-profit organizations to continue their mission and providing much needed sustainability for the heritage and arts community.

As part of the Loewens’ legacy, there is a vision to see the Millennium Centre transformed into a Heritage and Arts Centre in the Exchange District, a national historic site. The Heritage Winnipeg office and resource centre would relocate to this space, while the main floor would act as year-round public space and downtown hub for everyone to enjoy, providing important information, workshops, presentations, and exhibits, etc. The success of this heritage project, and its long term sustainability, would confirm that the Loewens understand how ongoing support can help contribute to and transform a downtown, a historic district, and a community.

Below is a sampling of the many projects which the Loewens have supported over the years:

The Millennium Centre
The Millennium Centre

The Telpay Building

The Behavioural Health Centre
Behavioural Health Centre

La Boucherie (St. Norbert)
La Boucherie (St. Norbert)

McDougall House
McDougall House

Ox Cart House
Ox Cart House

Place Saint-Norbert
Place Saint-Norbert

St. Norbert Arts Centre (SNAC)
St. Norbert Arts Centre (SNAC)

Trappist Monastery
Trappist Monastery

Urban Circle Training Centre
Urban Circle Training Centre

Art City
Art City


Heritage Ball Event Details

Heritage Ball Fundraising Dinner - You're Invited!
You're Invited!
WHO: You're invited! We want to see YOU, our generous supporters, at the event!

WHAT: Heritage Ball Fundraising Dinner: Honouring the contributions of Bill and Shirley Loewen to the heritage community.

WHEN: Saturday, October 4, 2014. Cocktails at 5:30pm, Dinner at 7:00pm.

WHERE: Provencher Room at the Fort Garry Hotel, 222 Broadway

WHY: To honour Bill & Shirley Loewen and to raise much-needed funds for our organization to continue our work with many important projects and events.

DETAILS: Door Prize & Live Music; Formal or Business Attire; Sponsorships Available! Event patronage $100 (mention in program).

COST: Tickets are $200 - click the ticket below to purchase yours from Heritage Winnipeg's Online Store! Tax receipt provided after the event. Cheques and credit cards accepted.

Click here to buy your ticket to the Heritage Ball Fundraising Dinner!
Scroll down to the "Event Tickets" section!

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Invite them to join the event on our Facebook page

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