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Kreidler’s office helped thousands of Washington residents in 2016 - Insurance Tips

Today, we published our 2016 annual report, which gives an overview of the work our office did last calendar year.
2016 annual report WA OIC

  Some highlights:
  • We regulated nearly 2,400 companies and 164,000 licensees.
  • We collected $534.7 million in premium taxes from insurance companies.
  • Of that amount, $521 million went to the state general fund to support K-12 education, higher education, human services and general government operations. 
  • We fielded nearly 8,000 consumer complaints and helped recover $11.3 million related to billings and claims.
  • Answered more than 67,000 calls to our consumer hotline.
  • Helped more than 83,000 people with one-on-one health insurance counseling through our SHIBA program.
Read the full report.

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