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The 2016 Annual Preservation Awards & Launch of the First World War Digital Memorial - Insurance Tips

Article by Laura McKay, on behalf of Heritage Winnipeg Corp.     
To follow up on this or any other articles on the blog, contact Heritage Winnipeg's Executive Director.

On Monday, February 15, 2016, Heritage Winnipeg presented the 31st Annual Preservation Awards ceremony as well as the launch of the First World War Digital Memorial Project. The event was held in the Rotunda of the historic Union Station, VIA Rail Canada's Winnipeg Station, to celebrate National Heritage Day and Louis Riel Day.

The First World War Digital Memorial, as displayed on the east wall of the rotunda.

Since 1985, Heritage Winnipeg has sponsored an annual awards program that seeks to recognize those people dedicated to the protection, restoration, and conservation of Winnipeg's built heritage. Awards are also given to owners of heritage structures who seek to sensitively restore their buildings so that they become a productive element of the economical, cultural, and social fabric of the community. 

Cindy Tugwell, Heritage Winnipeg's Executive Director, speaks at the beginning of the ceremony.
Awards are given in three categories: Heritage Conservation, Distinguished Service, and Youth. For more information about the criteria for each of these awards, visit the Heritage Winnipeg website here.

Members of the Living History Society were also in attendance for the event.
The winners of this year's awards program are as follows: 

Heritage Conservation Awards

The Province of Manitoba 


Ager Little Architects

Heritage Winnipeg Board Member, Lawrence Prout, presents the award to Ryan Derksen, accepting on behalf of the Province of Manitoba.

Heritage Winnipeg Board Member, Lawrence Prout, presents the award to Marnie Gartrell, accepting on behalf of Ager Little Architects.

for the Institutional Conservation of the Old Law Courts at 391 Broadway. For their commitment to upgrade the plumbing system and provide barrier-free washrooms at the Old Law Courts located at 391 Broadway while ensuring the preservation of the character-defining elements, such as the marble floor tiles, marble panels, doors and frames, and the original washroom fixtures. Built from 1912-1916, this is one of the most important Law Courts buildings in the Province, and one of the best examples of the Neo-Classical style designed by Provincial Architect, Samuel Hooper.

The City of Winnipeg

Heritage Winnipeg President, Jordan van Sewell, presents the award to Councillor Shawn Dobson, accepting on behalf of the City of Winnipeg.

Councillor Shawn Dobson accepts the award with special thanks to the Planning, Property, and Development Department and Project Officer, Evan Wiebe.

for the Institutional Conservation of the City Council Building at 510 Main Street. For the sensitive replacement of the roof and re-pointing of the exterior of the City Council building located at 510 Main Street. Built in 1964 and recognized as a modernist heritage building, this work affirms the City's long-term commitment to maintaining heritage buildings in Winnipeg.

Roslyn Properties/Globe General Agencies

Heritage Winnipeg President, Jordan van Sewell, presents the award to Diane Glover, Senior Property Manager, accepting on behalf of Globe General Agencies.

Diane Glover, Senior Property Manager for Globe General Agencies, accepts the award.

for the Residential Conservation of Roslyn Court at 40 Osborne Street. For their commitment to maintain Roslyn Court located at 40 Osborne Street. Recent rehabilitation work included the roof, copper panels, exterior masonry, and painting. This Queen Anne Revival style building, constructed in 1908, is recognized as a National Historic Site and it continues to be a viable and integral part of Osborne Village.

The Yoon Family

Heritage Winnipeg President, Jordan van Sewell, presents the award to Harry Yoon, accepting on behalf of the Yoon Family.

Heritage Winnipeg President, Jordan van Sewell, presents the award to Harry Yoon, accepting on behalf of the Yoon Family.

for the Commercial Conservation of the Lauzon Block at 339 William Avenue. For the main floor restoration work completed in the Lauzon Block located at 339 William Avenue. This 3-storey historic building was built in 1905 and recently featured in a Heritage Winnipeg blog article. The restoration work focused on the pressed-tin walls and ceiling coverings.

Special President's Award

 Longboat Development Corporation


Stantec Architecture Limited

Jeff Chipman accepts the award on behalf of Longboat Development Corporation. Michael Banman accepted the award on behalf of Stantec Architecture.

for the Commercial Conservation of the Mitchell-Copp facade at 315 Portage Avenue. For the sympathetic protection, stabilization, and preservation of the 1919 historic Mitchell-Copp facade located at 315 Portage Avenue and thereby significantly enhancing the streetscape of Portage Avenue.

Distinguished Service Awards

The Friends of Dalnavert Museum

Heritage Winnipeg Past President, David McDowell, presents the award to Adele Hempel, Chair, accepting on behalf of the Friends of Dalnavert Museum.

Adele Hempel, Chair, accepts the award on behalf of the Friends of Dalnavert Museum.
The Friends of Dalnavert Museum. L-R: Cindy Tugwell, Heather Laser, Brock Capell, Susan Moffatt, Ines Bonacossa, and Adele Hempel.
for their dedication and commitment to the protection and re-opening of Dalnavert Museum at 61 Carlton. For their dedication and commitment to the protection and re-opening of the restored Museum and Visitor's Centre located at 61 Carlton Street for future generations. The museum, built in 1895, was the home of former Manitoba Premier, Hugh John Macdonald, the only son of our first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald. 

First World War Digital Memorial Project

Thank you to the City of Winnipeg and the Thomas Sill Foundation for their generous support of this project.

Councillor Brian Mayes from the City of Winnipeg speaks to the inspiration and groundwork for the First World War Digital Memorial Project.
Bruce Tascona, Chair of the Military History Society of Manitoba, speaks to the importance of remembering the sacrifices of the First World War.
Jeremy Choy of Pattern Interactive explains the technology behind the installation.
Actor and playwright, Tim Higgins, reads from his piece "Winnipeg's Great War Legacy --- A Reflection".

Actor and playwright, Tim Higgins, speaks to the legacy of the Great War in Winnipeg.
Brendan McKenn from the Manitoba Underground Opera introduces the organization's performers.
Lynlee Wolstencroft, Soprano & Megan Dufrat, Pianist, perform "Au pays où se fait la guerre" by composer Henri Duparc.
The First World War Digital Memorial is now on display at Union Station.
Members of the Living History Society in period costume.
Volunteers in First World War uniform.

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