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The 30th Annual Preservation Award Recipients - Insurance Tips

Article by Laura McKay, on behalf of Heritage Winnipeg Corp.
To follow up on this or any other articles on the blog, contact Heritage Winnipeg's Executive Director.
With thanks to Tony Eshmade for assistance with photographs

Representatives from the Manitoba Living History Society attended the event in full costume!
Representatives from the Manitoba Living History Society attended the event in full costume!
Heritage Winnipeg's Annual Preservation Awards are held every year on National Heritage Day/Louis Riel Day to celebrate the contributions of individuals, organizations, and companies to the preservation of Winnipeg's built heritage. 

Ladies from the Manitoba Living History Society
Ladies from the Manitoba Living History Society.
This year we were also celebrating National Flag Day, the 50th birthday of our national flag. Thank you to Canadian Heritage for their contributions to this event.

HW President, Jordan van Sewell, speaks at the beginning of the awards ceremony.
HW President, Jordan van Sewell, speaks at the beginning of the awards ceremony.
The number of awards given vary from year to year, but the categories and their requirements can be found detailed in a previous blog post here. As well, photos of the nominated buildings and details about the preservation work that has been undertaken can be found here.

Councillor Shawn Dobson brought greetings from Mayor Bowman and City Council
Councillor Shawn Dobson brought greetings from Mayor Bowman and City Council.
And without further ado, here are the 2015 Preservation Award recipients:

2015 Award Recipients

Commercial Conservation Award to:
VIA Rail Canada
Bridgman Collaborative Architecture Ltd.
Gary Dy, accepting award on behalf of VIA Rail Canada
Gary Dy, accepting award on behalf of VIA Rail Canada
Architects Marcella Poirer and Wins Bridgeman accepting award on behalf of Bridgman Collaborative Architecture Ltd.
Architects Marcella Poirer and Wins Bridgman accepting award on behalf of Bridgman Collaborative Architecture Ltd.
For their work and vision of this historic former Union Station built in 1911 and located at 123 Main Street. For their leadership in the restoration of the historic rotunda, the enhancement of the passenger area, and augmenting the exterior at the back entrance, therefore strengthening the connection of the building from the Forks and Saint Boniface. 

Residential Conservation Award to:
The Bell Building Inc.
Neil Cooper Architects Inc.  

Daniel Melendez, accepting award on behalf of Karl Loepp (The Bell Building Inc.)
Daniel Melendez, accepting award on behalf of Karl Loepp (The Bell Building Inc.).
 For this downtown condominium project in the historic building built in 1905 and located at 370 Donald Street. For their civic leadership on this residential conversion that sympathetically retains the character of the original building while retaining many of the interior character defining elements.

Commercial Conservation Award to:
Riverwood Church Community
John Van Leeuwen Architecture
Award accepted by Executive Pastor Laurence Fernandez.
Award accepted by Executive Pastor Laurence Fernandez.

Architect John Van Leeuwen accepts award from HW Board Member Lisa Gardewine.
Architect John Van Leeuwen accepts an award from HW Board Member Lisa Gardewine.
For the rehabilitation of the Riverwood Church Community, the former Fire Hall Station 8 located at 325 Talbot Avenue. For their pivotal role in taking great care in rehabilitating this historic building so that it continues to be a landmark in the community as well as a vibrant part of the Elmwood community.

Residential Conservation Award to:
Veritas Development Corporation
Northern Sky Architecture Inc. 

Award accepted by Architect Donald Oliver, on behalf of both Veritas Development Corporation and Northern Sky Architecture Inc.
Award accepted by Architect Donald Oliver, on behalf of both Veritas Development Corporation and Northern Sky Architecture Inc.
For this downtown condominium project in the historic warehouse building built in 1912 located at 128 James Avenue. For their civic and design leadership on this residential conversion that sympathetically retains the character of the original building.

Residential Conservation Award to:
Streetside Development Corporation
701 Architecture Inc.

Jon Faderon, accepting award on behalf of Streetside Development Corporation
Jon Faderon, accepting award on behalf of Streetside Development Corporation.

Award accepted by 701 Architecture Inc.
Award accepted by 701 Architecture Inc.
 For this downtown condominium project in the historic warehouse buildings built in 1910/11, and located presently at 132 James Avenue. For their civic leadership on this residential conversion that sympathetically retains the character of the original heritage buildings at 130 & 132/134 James Avenue.

For the Revitalization of North Main:
Neechi Commons
Award accepted by Russ Rothney
Award accepted by Russ Rothney.
The owners of of the building located at 859 Main Street, for their leadership in a valuable employment, cultural, and community-building role through their large-scale investment in the North Main area working with existing buildings and the Aboriginal Community. Their work has played a pivotal role in the community by promoting this Aboriginal-based food, art, and social activist centre.

Distinguished Service Award to:
Marie Zorniak
Marie Zorniak accepts her award
Marie Zorniak accepts her award.
 as a driving force and long-time chair of the Provincial Red River Heritage Fair. The Heritage Fiar activities have been part of Winnipeg's educational offerings since Historica sponsored the first event in 1993. She has volunteered her time and expertise for over twenty years, and has ben an integral part of facilitating this event and its long-time success.

Distinguished Service Award to:
St. Matthew's Anglican Parish 
Grain of Wheat Community Church 
Bob Clarkson and Roger Gateson accept awards on behalf of the church communities
Bob Clarkson and Roger Gateson accept awards on behalf of the church communities.
 for the adaptive re-use of the historic St. Matthew's Anglican Church built in 1913 and located at the northwest corner of Maryland and St. Matthew's. The converted building that makes up WestEnd Commons contains three components - residential, religious service space, and a neighbourhood resource centre for the community.



This event would not have been possible without the generous support of the following:

Manitoba Living History Society
Greg Agnew
Wins Bridgman
Nancy Klos
David & Linda McDowell
389 Main Street Heritage Corporation
 Walt Schoenhausen
 Dayna Kinsman
 Hilda Wagstaffe
 Herbert Stewart

Thank you to the members of our 2015 Judging Committee:

Neil Einarson, Province of Manitoba
 Les Stechesen, Architect
 Jim Kacki, Architect
 Kyle Ledhowski, Province of Manitoba
 Murray Peterson, City of Winnipeg

Next Year...

As this is an annual event, the Preservation Awards will return next year on Monday, February 15, 2016.

Nomination forms will become available a few months prior to the awards, so keep your eyes peeled for deserving projects!

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