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Coming Soon: Annual Preservation Awards and Doors Open Winnipeg 2015 - Insurance Tips

Article by Laura McKay, on behalf of Heritage Winnipeg Corp.
To follow up on this or any other articles on the blog, contact Heritage Winnipeg's Executive Director.
Heritage Winnipeg's 30th Annual Preservation Awards!
This is a FREE community event - consider this your personal invitation!
Monday, February 16, 2015 at Via Rail Station

Doors Open: What Is It?

  • Completely FREE event, open to the public - that means you!
  • An event that takes place not only in Winnipeg, but in many cities across Canada and the world
  • Features historically and architecturally significant buildings, many of which are not normally open to the public
  • Originated in Glasgow, Scotland in 1990 as "Doors Open Days" and quickly expanded both across Scotland and the world
  • Doors Open arrived in Canada with Doors Open Toronto in 2000
  • Winnipeg was the first city to include the People's Choice Awards to allow visitors to vote on their favourite sites

Commercial from the 2013 event!


Doors Open Winnipeg: What You Need to Know

  •  2004 was the first year Doors Open took place in Winnipeg
  • MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Doors Open Winnipeg 2015 will take place on May 30 & 31, 2015- totally FREE
  • Each year Winnipeg has 70-80 participants for visitors to explore
  • Tours, exhibits, or special events may be available depending on the building and the year

  • An insert will be published in the Winnipeg Free Press before the weekend event detailing the buildings that are participating and what they will be offering this year - this information can also be found at www.doorsopenwinnipeg.ca (not yet updated for this year's event)
  • The People's Choice Awards help us reward the buildings that put in a little extra effort - grab a ballot at any participating venue and vote to help us decide! You can find the winners from previous winners on the Doors Open website at www.doorsopenwinnipeg.ca/awards
  • Like the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/DoorsOpenWinnipeg to support the event and stay up to date on what's happening this year


We Need YOU!

A walking tour in the Exchange during Doors Open Winnipeg
We need volunteers! Every year this event relies heavily on the work of its many wonderful volunteers. Can you help us? We need enthusiastic, reliable, and energetic people like you to greet visitors and even give tours - don't worry though. We'll tell you everything you need to know before the event! You can request areas of the city and volunteer for one or both days, or even half a day, depending on your schedule.

Interested? Fill out this form and send it to us at info@heritagewinnipeg.com to register!


Doors Open Winnipeg Website
Doors Open in other cities across Canada 
Heritage Canada: The National Trust - Doors Open Page

What are you looking forward to seeing in Doors Open this year? 
Let us know in the comments!

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