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Introductory Remarks from the Minions - Insurance Tips

Article by Laura McKay & Roshanie Balkaran (The "Minions"), on behalf of Heritage Winnipeg Corp.
 To follow up on this or any other articles on the blog, contact Heritage Winnipeg's Executive Director.

Heritage Winnipeg (creators of Doors Open Winnipeg) has decided to join the blogging world! Join us every Wednesday for news, events, history tidbits, cool photos, and the explorations of Heritage Winnipeg's staff and summer students, respectively.

At the moment, the main authors of this blog will be the summer students Laura McKay and Roshanie Balkaran, employed with help from Young Canada Works and the Winnipeg Foundation's Summer Internship Program, respectively.

Laura McKay: I am going into my fourth year at the University of Manitoba as an Honours English Major. I'm originally from Carberry, a small town near Brandon, Manitoba. As an English Major, I love a good story. Heritage and history are all about hunting out the stories of the past so that they can be preserved and shared with the world. Favourite part of Winnipeg: So far, Armstrong's Point. I love all of the green spaces and gorgeous old houses!

Roshanie Balkaran: I recently graduated from Fort Richmond Collegiate and will be going into my first year at the University of Manitoba's Asper School of Business where I am hoping to pursue a major in Accounting. I was born and raised in the southern part of Winnipeg and I've never really spent much time outside of the Waverly Heights area so being able to work at Heritage Winnipeg allows me to have more of a downtown experience. Favourite part of Winnipeg: I love the Exchange District, to be more specific, Waterfront Drive. I love the beautiful colored flowers, and overall vibe from the unique restaurants in the area!

Cindy Tugwell: Cindy has been the Executive Director at Heritage Winnipeg for over 21 years. She's involved in pretty much everything here at Heritage Winnipeg and she will be the one posting when the summer is over.

We affectionately refer to ourselves as the "minions" of Heritage Winnipeg. Basically we do whatever needs to be done, but that also means we get to work on lots of cool projects, such as helping out with Doors Open Winnipeg, the Explore the Exchange Membership Drive, and the creation of this blog. We hope to do posts on a weekly basis, so check back every Wednesday for the latest post!

Finally, a special thank you to Christian Cassidy of West End Dumplings for his assistance in learning the basics of setting up a blog.

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